If you take the time to listen, you will hear a lot of things being said about you today. Some of these words will be encouraging and uplifting - some will not be! Some things we will hear may come from external sources. Someone will have an opinion of you and the things you do. More importantly, you will hear yourself speak to yourself, about yourself.
We all have enemies of our souls. I’m convinced that our biggest enemy is not the devil. After all, he is not eternal, he is not all knowing, or all powerful, and he can’t be everywhere at once.
Our biggest enemy is not our past, it’s not our race, or our current economic status. It is not our lack of education, our childhood dysfunctional home life, or lack of opportunity.
While these things can have an affect on us, they are only part of a story that makes up a bigger story that translates into our IDENTITY!
All of us have things written upon our hearts. It’s the things we have believed about ourselves that we live out daily!
Proverbs instructs us to “Guard our hearts, (the seat of our identity) with all diligence, because everything we do flows from it!” This scripture actually has nothing to do with guarding our hearts against other people, but being cautious with the information we perceive as the truth, predominantly about ourselves.
Our biggest enemy is the lie we believe about ourselves. We live what we have interpreted to be the truth about ourselves, even if it’s not truthful.
We are our best, most purposeful self when we see ourselves as God sees us!
So, have you listened to yourself - to the words and thoughts you tell yourself about yourself? You may repeatedly use a few choice words when describing yourself. Listen… Pay attention to the questions you ask yourself about yourself. Like, “Why do I always…?” or “Why am I so…? Do the things you believe about yourself align with the things God says and thinks about you?
Identity is everything! Renewing our minds to God’s word is the beginning of transformation! (Romans 12:1-2)
Today, listen to yourself - begin to catch, challenge and change your thoughts, you have and believe about yourself.