
Take The "Lord I Need You" Challenge (John 15:5)

A few weeks ago, as I was driving to town in my truck, Matt Maher’s song, Lord I need You, came on the radio.

The lyrics, “Lord I need you, how I need you! EVERY HOUR I NEED YOU,” began to challenge me. I believe all of us who call ourselves Christians, recognize our need for God, in many ways. But I felt challenged to recognize how much I readily admit that I need Him, which also makes me recognize my attitude of independence, or my “I can do this on my own”attitude . Sure, I recognize my need for grace and forgiveness - consistently! I need strength and joy and wisdom - always. But do I believe that I really need him - EVERY HOUR?

So, I accepted this inner challenge of, throughout the day, telling God, “I NEED YOU!” As close as possible to each new hour, without necessarily setting an alarm, yet being cognizant in as many hours throughout my day - as I wake up - as I lay down to sleep - acknowledging that I NEED HIM!

I could tell immediately that this was going to be beneficial to me in many ways. Here’s a short list of ways it’s helped me and might help you too!

1. It drew my attention and recognition to God, helping me to recenter my thoughts, life and actions on him!

2. It reminded me of his abiding presence.

3. It opened doors of grace. (God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble)!

4. I became more submissive and open to His leading!

5. Helped me to bear spiritual fruit!

It’s been said, “What we look at grows, and what we look at the most grows the biggest!” Of everything that’s in my life, I want His presence to be the most evident. I want His promises and purposes to be manifested! The only way for that to happen is if I consistently LOOK AT HIM!

Perhaps you look for these things as well! If so, I want to invite you to take the “Lord I Need You Challenge!” It’s not to pressure, judge, or condemn ourselves or others over. It is intended to encourage you and help in the areas I’ve found help in, but possibly other areas as well!


Jn. 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me…you can do nothing.