
Two Stories

We are destined to live our lives by one of two stories.   Each of these two stories lead to how we feel, interpret, decide and act throughout our lives.  Both stories have equal power to determine our future.  Both stories are based upon what and how we think.


The first story is the story that God tells us about us.  It’s a story of unconditional love and acceptance through Christ.  This uncommon love, found in the Hebrew word “Hesed’” is the kind of love that refuses not to love, in spite of life’s report cards or performances.  This story includes His willingness to send His son to die for us so that He could be our substitute, pay sin’s penalty for receive Christ’s reward.  It’s a story based upon the truth as God sees it, of our potential, value, significance and our purpose that was deposited into us during the season of our mother’s womb.  It’s partly described in Psalms 139.  It tells how divinely unique and uniquely divine the creator made us.  This tale encourages us to press onward during difficult times because courage and strength are promised to us.  If we face the best of times or the worst of times, God’s plan is that we are destined to be more than conquerors. Each chapter of this story supports our faith and determination.  This opinion God has of us is founded on the fact that He sees us “In Christ” and “Christ in us”.  It’s the best story and version of ourselves that we could ever imagine.  What sounds like a fable and fairy tale is actually the highest truth that exists.


Then there’s the second story:  This second story has the power to override the first.  We tend to accept it because it’s based upon facts as we see them, therefore it appears to be more believable to us.  This is the story Michael tells Michael about Michael.  It’s the story you tell yourself about yourself.  It’s the tale of the human heart that plays inside each of us throughout our lives.  It consists of specific, descriptive, diminishing, condemning words we tell ourselves on an ongoing basis.  It’s the words of parents, family members, teachers, coaches, supposed friends, and others that find their way into our story in a convincing manner.  These words have become automatic in the way we internally process our life and our identity.  This story is not just composed of the words we use to describe ourselves, but it’s also made up from the questions we ask about ourselves.  C.S. Lewis said, “It’s critically important to examine the assumptions within a question”.  I’m sure that this statement applies to politics, religion, and many other areas of life, but this also applies to our story – It applies to our identity.  When we compare ourselves to others, when we are overly judgmental to ourselves, about ourselves.  We ask ourselves questions like, why do I always_____, why can’t I be a better_____, why don’t I____?  As we do, we drive the assumptions about ourselves deeper into the beliefs of our hearts.  This story is the story of our identity.  It determines the filters by which we perceive ourselves, our value and significance.  Our personal sense of identity also determines how will relate to others, God and the world around us in general.


Proverbs 4:23 encourages us to guard our hearts with all diligence because out of it flow the issues of life. The heart, is the seat of our identity.  God’s word encourages us to guard our hearts, from the wrong story, because the story we believe will direct our lives. 


If we accept the failures of our past to be our story, we will approach ourselves, others, God and the world around us out of failure. 


As a man (or woman) thinks in their heart, so are they! Proverbs 23:7.  There are a couple truths in this scripture that time prevents me from explaining here, but one truth is that the beliefs of our hearts will direct our behavior.  We all live our lives out of the story we believe in our hearts.  This is why we must bring into harmony the story we tell ourselves about ourselves with the story that God tells us about us.


The amount of courage or lack thereof we have is determined by the story we believe to be true about ourselves.  The success or failure we experience is, at least to a large degree, an expression of the story our heart believes.   All our issues flow from our own hearts.  When we change the beliefs of our heart, typically about our accepted identity, we change outcomes, we change behavior, we change our future and the future of our descendants. 


There are some who tell themselves a positive story about themselves.  It may not be healthy, but it is positive – temporarily!    We all know those people who appear to have it all together.  They are confident, and enviable.  Their identity seems to have no chinks in it.  However, when the winds of adversity blow, when the ground shakes, when the market collapses, when all hell breaks loose – will they still be standing?  The trying times reveal to us what we are founded upon.  It’s only when we are solidly founded in an identity built upon Christ and His word that we will have a healthy sense of identity.  That’s the solid rock.  That’s the firm foundation.  All other ground is sinking sand.


God has an opinion of you that is greater than anything we could think or imagine.  His word declares a story about you that is full of purpose.  It’s fulfilling.  It’s a choice to believe.  His story about you is bursting with Kingdom life and potential.


We have the ability to change our story through the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s word. 

Thankfully, we can renew our minds and hearts to the new information that God’s story tells us.  Our biggest hindrance to a life well lived is not your enemy – it’s not the people who mistreated you – its not the opposing political party – it’s not even the devil!  Our biggest hindrance to being the people God created us to be is the lie we believe about ourselves!  Debunk the lies! 


I want to encourage you to meditate on the things that God’s word says about you.  You are more than a conqueror! You are loved and accepted in Christ! You are created with purpose for His purpose and glory!  You are enough because of what Jesus did!  It’s time to change the story we tell ourselves about yourselves.   God’s opinion and perspective represent the most powerful truth we can live in!