It's Automatic!

So many times we try modifying our behavior, believing that changing our actions will somehow change us. As noble as that might seem, transformation takes place from the inside out.

Each of us have things written on our hearts. These things become the truth we live out. Some of those things are good and healthy, while some things are debilitating and unhealthy.

These truths are written by experiences and events from our past. They are planted in us by the words of others and the things we tell ourselves about ourselves.

Even if something does not line up with God’s truth about us, but we believe it, it becomes our life’s guide. We only live, behave, function from what our heart perceives as our truth.

Perhaps that’s why Proverbs 4:23, teaches us, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

If you’re looking for transformation in your life, let’s start by looking at changing your perceived truth about yourself! Change then becomes automatic. Your truth determines how you see yourself fitting, functioning, and flourishing in the world around you. It’s your sense of identity - Identity is everything!

What destination, what outcome, what results will your next step lead you to?