A Few Facts Regarding Our Sense of Identity!
Each person has a sense of identity which is composed of the core beliefs of the heart.
Our perceived sense of identity can be healthy or unhealthy.
Sometimes what might seem like a positive sense of identity can be a very unhealthy one, depending on what it is based on.
Our identity consists of how we view ourselves - our self concept, our self image, our morals, our purpose, our value, our significance, and affects our relationships with others including God. Many times it is dominated by past decisions and the results of those decisions.
Our identity is many times influenced by labels placed upon us by others or ourselves. Many times a label can become an identity that steals our hope and gives us reason to accept a sense of “less than” or “not good enough”.
Our sense of identity can be transformed to coincide with God’s purpose for our lives . Transformation is more than behavior modification. Behavior modification without heart transformation becomes tiring and frustrating. Transformation is available through the power of God’s word and the work of Christ within our hearts (core beliefs). God’s sees the potential in us and He desires that we see ourselves through the lens of His grace and potential of His plans for us.
A positive, scriptural sense of identity will determine what we will attempt and do with our lives. A negative or diminished sense of identity will determine the same.
Our sense of identity determines how we view and interact with God, others, and the world around us. A healthy sense of identity is more powerful than our personalities, our abilities / inabilities, and outside limitations placed on us by others.
Shame will steal your true identity. While guilt is how we feel about our wrong actions - shame is about identifying with those actions. Shame leads one to believe “I AM _____”. Thankfully, Jesus took our shame away through his redemptive work.
Our sense of IDENTITY affects every area of our lives! Do you see yourself the way God sees you? God has good plans for your life!