Ascend Christian Counseling

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Who Am I?

We all have a conversation going on inside of us. There’s a story that plays over and over again regarding the way we think about, feel about and perceive ourselves. We call ourselves names, we encourage, we discourage, we limit potential and purpose. We find a separation between who we are manifesting and our potential. Our “identity” consists of how we see ourselves. It includes our sense of significance, our value, and our purpose. Our identity is established in our hearts. It’s the driving force of our lives. It determines how we perceive others and God. All of our issues, and all of life’s issues flow from it.

Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flow all the issues of life. The word issues could very well have been translated from the original Hebrew as boundaries. Out of it (the heart) flow all the boundaries of life. If I have a diminished sense of identity, I will have boundaries that keep me restrained. It will effect the way I attempt things, the way I see myself as capable or incapable, as courageous or discouraged about life.

We have a Father who sees the complete picture of our potential. He sees it because he created it. He knows about it because it is his vision for your life. A cursed or diminished sense of identity can be changed. It starts with truly seeing how God’s opinion of you may be drastically different than what you’ve been taught or the way you feel. God hopes for the best and believes the best in us, because that’s what love does. Exchanging our negative self-thoughts for the Father’s thoughts and plans is the beginning. As we allow ourselves to experience the joy and strength of His word it begins to change the thoughts of the heart. Our inner man becomes renewed and comes into unity with His thoughts and opinions. As our identity is strengthened, so is our sense of accomplishment and potential. Significance, value and purpose begin to build within us.

You are unconditionally loved, completely accepted, and uniquely gifted. There’s no one else like you and there never will be again. Jesus recognized your value as He gave His life to ransom yours. God loves you and believes in your potential.

Thank God! We can be everything that He sees in us!