I thought So!
I was thinking today about the things I had been thinking about. Then I thought again! Maybe what I’ve been thinking about, hasn’t been the best thoughts I could think. I thought about my worries and concerns, but that led to more troublesome thoughts. So, I thought about changing my thoughts to more positive thoughts. At first, I didn’t think I could, but after I read where the Bible tells me to take every thought captive, I realized I could, so I did! Those thoughts led to thoughts and feelings of hope and peace. Then I thought, why didn’t I think of that sooner. Then I read about what God thinks about me. His thoughts were good thoughts and not evil thoughts. His thoughts give me hope and a future. So, if I think His thoughts, I think I’ll think better, healthier, truer thoughts about me and my world. After thinking about my thought options, I think I’ll intentionally think about God’s promises and not the thoughts that lead to worry and anxiety – you know, those thoughts that Jesus said would make my heart troubled or afraid if I thought them.
So, I encourage myself and you as well, to think about what we’re thinking about throughout the day. Our thoughts will always dictate our feelings. Let’s captivate our thoughts before our thoughts captivate us. God’s promise is that He will keep us in perfect peace if our thoughts are kept on Him. Now I’m thinking that If I find myself encouraged or discouraged, it’s typically because of what I’ve been thinking! Then I have to think honestly with myself and admit - I thought so!